KAS Certification Accreditations


It is very important to realize that continuous product analysis is not a full assurance for human health because only a small portion of produced food stuff can be analysed, not all of them. Therefore a method is required to cover all process steps in more systematic way. HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) standard is a system providing a systematic and logical approach.

kascert haccp At the beginning HACCP was emerged by NASA to produce safe food for astronauts in 1959-1960. Afterwards, in 1963 its principles are published by World Health Organization (WHO) and CAC (Codex Allimentarius Commission). HACCP is an approach defining the requirements of a safe food managament system.
HACCP system enables the organizations to focus on the analysis of hazards effecting the food safety and the definition of critical control limits in a systematic way

HACCP is structured upon 7 principles and 12 applications:

HACCP foundation process flow chart:

kascert haccp foundation process flow chart

Benefits of effectively implemented and applied HACCP:

  • Enables the increase of customer’s trust.
  • Enables the consumer confidence about healty and safe food products.
  • Functions in accordance with preventive approach principle, eliminates destruction, re-work and product re-call.
  • Increases product quality by controlling critical points which have risks on consumer health.
  • Presents your declaration of safe food production/sale.
  • Increases the trust of consumer/customer, retailer and government departments.
  • Strengthens your brand/organizational prestige.
  • Increases your new market/new customer expectations.
  • Improves the establisment of an effective auto-control system. 
  • Provides conformity to customer requirements. 
  • Provides conformity to legal regulation. 

Expertise HACCP auditors from KAS INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION  perform professional audits and present audit reports to guide you in reaching your food safety targets. 

Note: For any information and your questions about food safety please contact from food@kascert.com

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